Choose this option only if you have no log files you want to restore 请仅在没有要还原的日志文件时选择此选项。
If this option is omitted , no log entries are shown in the console 如果省略该选项,则不会在控制台中显示日志项。
No log backups 无日志备份。
If no log reader agent is running for a published database and a user executes 如果已发布数据库的日志读取器代理不在运行状态,而用户在执行
Orry , you have no log - in , it is unable to enter the member s centre , please log in first 对不起,您还没有登录,无法进入会员中心,请先登录!
However , if there are no log backups , a database can be restored only to the end of the most recent backup of the data 这简化了备份和还原。但是,没有事务日志备份,便不可能恢复到故障点。只能还原到备份的结尾。
In the context of the example application , no logs are ever written ; all information is simply printed to the screen using system . out 在示例应用程序的上下文中,没有写过日志;所有信息仅仅用system . out输出到屏幕。
We recommend that you never use no log or truncate only to manually truncate the transaction log , because this breaks the log chain 尽管可用此选项手动截断事务日志,但是极力建议您不要这样做,因为这会将日志链断开。